Pete Curry Remembers James Griffin

from an e-mail received April 8, 2004

Back in the early 1980s I went to Memphis to produce an advertising jingle. The producer, Wayne Crook of Shoe Productions, was in charge of lining up the talent, which included a great singer named Jimmy Griffin who turned out to be THE Jimmy Griffin from Bread. He did a great job on the vocal and was a total delight to work with. Anyway, during the session I was admiring his briefcase, which was actually a Fender Tweed musicians' cable and effects case. That night we all went to a great jazz and blues club in Memphis and had a ball. Next day, while I was in the airport boarding area, about to get on my flight, Jimmy and Wayne came rushing up, out of breath, carrying a big box. Inside was a briefcase like Jimmy's.

Wayne, Jimmy: If you read this, You're the best!

Your friend,
Pete Curry

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